Saturday, April 28, 2012

DIY Chandelier Update

As I've moved to California my love allowed to me to not rush into a job first but am able to first turn this house into our home. And now the journey of plenty of DIY's and crafts start, so thank goodness for Pinterest! This chandelier update was a project before it even began. Talking my love into painting the existing one was harder than it seemed until we went and looked at new chandeliers, I suppose he seen how much cheaper it would be so yay me :)

Here is how it started, well beside the bottom piece. Matthew started taking it apart before i could get my hands on my camera. You get the idea though, all that lovely gold, dust and gorgeous white plastic!

The first step is turning off the power to the chandelier, Matthew to be safe turned off the power to the whole house haha better safe than sorry. He does have electrician in his background so for sure contact someone if you do not know anything about wiring and such. 

While Matthew was taking care of that stuff i got busy with the crystals! Yes i was entitled to the fun jobs of this whole project so I already had them and my job was to take them off the existing candle chandelier things i had to get ready to apply them to our chandelier.

Once Matthew was done with the wiring he took it outside for a few coats of some plain, yet amazing white paint. Ok so first we had bought bright yellow spray paint for this project and I know it would have looked just amazing yellow, so do not be afraid of some awesome bright colors. I figured a calmer color with the gorgeous crystals i remembered would be more fitting in the room :)

Here it is all painted and waiting for the crystals so that it can really pop!

The crystals were on a small hoop of metal, almost like a tiny thin key ring. Instead of making tiny holes all over the chandelier I simply placed the crystals around the lights. First open the thin metal slightly as if your about to put a key on a key ring. I then slide the ring onto the metal base of each light in the spot i wanted it. This process was very hard on my nails but they have seen recovered :)
This can be handy if you have an existing chandelier that could use an update or needed an excuse to head to your local antique store, so I hope you enjoy and I would love to see your creation!

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