Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

Hello Fans!
I know we all say this is the year for change, but for me unlike all the years past this one will be. It simply has to be :) I am done compromising my goals, my hopes, and what i love! lets start off with my revised look, muted shades. I feel may show my age but hey we are all getting older right? I have deleted all my blog posts ekks, but the plan for that is they were my learning sessions and i will post my favorites from each. But this year I'm proud to say i have a signature look now and things are going to be alot more streamline, cleaner, and i hope alot more ME! i hope you all enjoy each and every laugh, frown, and love I have had the pleasure of capturing. I mostly hope you contact me to capture all that and more for you and your loved ones. Not only are the look and prices for my photography changing but also my LOCATION. I'm moving to southern California again January 22nd. Oklahoma fans and friends i already have my dates that I will be back in Oklahoma so feel free to ask. I will for sure give as much notice for all the traveling i plan to do this year and I hope to see you all in one of the many states i pass through :) So here are my price changes and introducing print packages. Any questions don't hesitate to contact me

Go here to view the 2012 prices.

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